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Unashamed campaigning

The Crime Writers’ Association has asked book lovers across the nation to nominate their favourite crime authors for the 2016 Dagger In The Library award. This is the only award that QJ has ever cared about winning. I’ve been nominated once, but I haven’t given up on it, so if anyone should  care to nominate me, I’d be very pleased.

This literary prize is a unique part of the CWA Dagger Awards because the nominations are made by crime readers and are in celebration of an author’s entire body of work, not just one individual book.

I grew up near my local library in Motherwell, and I go back there to speak whenever I’m invited. For many kids like me it all strats inLibraries, and it’s libraries that make them readeres. The Dagger In The Library was introduced to give them a voice in theDagger Awards, which endeavour to showcase the best of the best in the crime genre.

To nominate you should go to


After completing their ballot, you will be entered automatically into a prize draw to win £200 in National Book Tokens. Not only that, you will also be asked to nominate your favourite library. The winner will be awarded some great CWA Dagger prizes

The sad truth is that funding cuts, and. occasionally, unsympathetic councillors threatening the future of our libraries it’s even more important than ever to support them and celebrate the service they provide communities.

Categories: General
  1. Karen Soutar
    November 11, 2015 at 5:46 pm

    Done! Your unashamed campaigning paid off. Plus, I love my local library.

  2. Val Orange
    November 12, 2015 at 12:15 am

    I am delighted to nominate you have given so much enjoyment to me and my late mother over the years. A consistently excellent output should be applauded about time too!!!

    • November 12, 2015 at 8:02 am

      Thanks. I’m pleased that I gave your mum enjoyment. Mine proofread my second book. She crossed out certain words and was fired on the spot.

  3. Gillian
    November 16, 2015 at 3:41 pm

    Consider it done

  4. Eddie
    November 28, 2015 at 10:44 pm

    I sincerely hope the other 649 nominees get their awards another time.

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